"Naturen är vår källa."

"Om det är förnuftet som formar människan, så är det känslan som leder henne."
"Människan är en fördärvad vilde."
"En konstnär är ett geni som har rätt att skapa fritt."
"Det strider uppenbarligen mot naturens lag att en handfull människor drunknar i sitt överflöd
medan den uthungrade massan saknar det nödvändigaste."

The ecological credit crunch is a global challenge. The Living Planet Report 2008 tells us that more than three quarters of the world’s people live in nations that are ecological debtors – their national consumption has outstripped their country’s biocapacity. Thus, most of us are propping up our current lifestyles, and our economic growth, by drawing (and increasingly overdrawing) upon the ecological capital of other parts of the world.

— WWF Living Planet Report

Friday, January 5, 2024

I prefer to emphasise characterisation and human conflict

By nature, every human being is clean and neat. Why then do we have to hear from those opinionising, over and over again, typically in an assertive and dogmatic way, that we should create a cleaner, safer environment; free from pollutants or unpleasant substances. People in general are not more than human and without the professional capacity of a journalist, merely comment on points at issue, that are under discussion, in debate, in dispute or what at the moment is based on or concerned with specific problems, or concerns, rather than an overall ideology. 

If we have to clean up, where do we begin? For the sake of goodness we need a clean sweep. The removal of all unwanted people or things in order to start afresh. Or, you could clean up your act and begin to behave in a better way, especially by giving up tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc, or illegal activities. Keep the room clean, spotlessly clean, and keep the communal and societal wounds clean, so that the wounds can heal naturally, on the True Path of Nature, in natures Grant(h). Give up love, religion and crime and put your mind on ‘Waqqi Haqqi’ and from there, go on for ‘Waqqi Phero’ and ‘Waqqi KSP’. Your choice should be, clean, fresh and natural flavours of a taste or a smell you choose to wear. In a way that involves the consumption of unprocessed, unrefined, and nutrient-rich food. Emphasise the completeness and wholesomeness of your condition, character and home. No deception, no illusion, no fraud. Do not wait for the allegations to come. Eliminate corruption and inefficiency. Be completely honest; keep nothing hidden. Have clean hands and be uninvolved and blameless with regard to an immoral act: No one involved in a conflict has clean hands. Do not do as the monarchy, the church and their cabinet of ministers; they keep their own hands clean by using others to impose their will. Do not use others to do your dirty work. Remember, the clean shaven are not clean skins. Make a clean breast of it. Confess fully your wrongdoings or your mistakes. Make a clean job of it and do it thoroughly. Do not expect others to clean up after you. Admit guilt, admit to your actions and crimes. Plead guilty; accept blame/responsibility; fess up and  get it off your chest. Feel the soothing relief. 

Make a home with a simple, well-defined, and pleasing shape, having the clean lines and pared-down planes of modernism. Plenty of light, air and room. It should be possible to achieve a fair and equal representation for all its members of the community with a fairer distribution of wealth. We know, that many subjects pose special problems and they should all be dealt with in a just or appropriate manner in the circumstances. Try first by fair means. Not violent. The way the world is moving, treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination, seems impossible. Yet we rely on the investigations not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticised. They are expected to be entirely trustworthy. Taking sides, some say, ‘It was a good clean fight’. Others say, ‘They are resorting to dirty tricks, to keep ahead of rivals’. On the whole, we seem to have fouled our own nest, running up huge debts and deficits to maintain a monarchy and a church. To maintain the right of the establishment they use force and methods to clean the rivals out. You can never stop the currents of migration. It has always been the way of life for the humans and the living organisms, to seek a home that nurtures and where nature provides nutrition. That is when the fascists get louder on their own level. ‘Watch out for driftwood that might foul up our engine’, they say. And the christo-fascists cry out, ‘Weed out the islamists and the Jews from our holy land’ or as the moderate conservative politicians reprise the populistic  rhetorics addressing the crowds, ‘Keep the seedlings, clear of the hijabi pupils in the lower and middle classes’, in an attempt to make their electoral gains. First of all, it is not their engine and it is not their land to make holy. And neither are the schools theirs to exclude or discriminate those that dress in the decency of righteousness. In their own way, the nationalists are always simple and straightforward, extraordinarily uncomplicated. They are not difficult to squeeze out of the masses. (With a system of complementary medicine in which ailments are treated by minute doses of natural substances that in larger amounts would produce symptoms of the ailment). For all too often, they tend to discredit themselves by engaging in character assassination; the malicious and unjustified harming of another persons or peoples good reputation, especially the immigrants. They are not difficult to understand. They are a piece of piss. They need to be washed, scrubbed, cleaned and drained through the sewers. By now, the intelligence officials should have shown concern, for some time, about the threat posed by clean skins. But then, the members of the intelligence are also recruited among the clean shaven clean skins to serve and protect the clean shaven clean skins, that engage in the character assassination of the rivals, with character witnesses to attest the good reputation of their own clean shaven clean skins. All of them are branded with the character codes of the three crowns and the crown offices, they represent on their uniforms.

Running away was not in keeping with the refugees’ character. They had a home until the war broke out. For even the migrants and refugees have the mental and moral qualities distinctive to any other individual. And as such, the declaration of human rights allow the world to be full of character and characters, with qualities of being individual in an interesting and unusual way. Even humans possess the distinctive nature of a thing. A human being is a thing, with strength and originality in the nature of a living organism, in the state or fact of being required. Every situation in a life-line enforces a certain course of action. Life is the necessity of growing old. Because all you spend in life is time. And all the rest will come by and by. The state of being unavoidable, is a condition that cannot be otherwise. When the need for something becomes essential, you are forced to find ways of getting or achieving it. The principle according to which something must be so, either of logic or of natural law. Knowing that we only need the bare essentials in our way of life, we should learn to grasp the essentials of an argument. It is absolutely necessary and extremely important to emphasise that life is that condition that cannot be otherwise. Life is not a creation but the gradual development of something living from the earlier living forms. Organisms became transformed by their efforts to respond to the demands of their environment. Neither is the climate created, nor the substance of any part of the earth. Because the total energy remains constant in a system that is not subject to external influence. In order to ensure the earths continuing availability, there is really no wasteful energy according to the principle of energy conservation. If energy saving is designed to make economical use of electricity, gas, or other forms of energy, artificially promoted energy savings initiatives, like developing an energy saving light bulb should not cost more than any other bulb. Because the purpose is to make economical use of all forms of energy, including electricity, to keep the total costs low.  Similarly introducing a market economy, in a functional social welfare state or community, with the intention to give good value or return in relation to the money, time, or effort expended, on the whole, should obviously serve the purpose of increasing an awareness of a cost-effective and a productive life style of using no more of something than is necessary. By encouraging new business opportunities on a grand scale, seeing potential in the market, to transform a society towards enterprising, characterised by the taking of financial risks in the hope of profit, should not upset a functional economy, by introducing applied techniques based on free-market economy of effort, with an economic system in which production and prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses, knowing that the process of transition to a market economy leads to major changes. The state of a country or region, in terms of production and consumption, of goods and services and the supply of money has to be proportionate in every way to avoid imbalance in the regional and communal flow, within a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or basic utilities, such as electricity water and sewerage, for instance. Not all tax cuts stimulate an economy. A free-market without control of business activities, by means of rules and regulations, will only lead to an enterprising for the mere sake of enterprising. And entrepreneurs can get extremely inventive or energetic. In other words, with a lack of a natural demand of goods and services, the entrepreneurs will be running side activities, to avoid financial risks, to maintain a level of profits. As such entrepreneurs have to rely on action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising but also in cynical marketing exercises for the need of more profit and as such, will also pursue any kind of aggressive marketing strategy. Consequently, engaging sales companies to sell their products in an ‘active’ way and in various attempts aggressively, offering different combinations of products, also from other manufacturers, in cooperation with forwarding companies at a favourable or a promotional price. In a manner that the buyers would find it attractive. Unfortunately, more often, in a state of urgency or necessity, the sales organisations force the buyers to accept a sample at a low price or at no price at all. However, it is only a vendors trap, because somewhere on the line, the seller implied that the buyer had agreed to accept the offer of a purchase plan of a free trial sample followed by a continuation of the purchase with another item every month at a fixed cost. When a buyer disagrees, to having come to such an arrangement, the entrepreneur, or the sales organisation is quick to organise lawyers and partners, such as debt collection companies, to begin a long process and threaten the buyer with even higher costs and debts, if not paid. In such cases, the buyer usually has no support, to back his case, against the established companies. Even traffic wardens have discovered a way of increasing benefits from an action or policy of financial returns by writing a notice and typically attaching it to a car windscreen or by telling a driver of a fine imposed on them for parking illegally. In many cases, the role of a traffic warden is basically an act of retaliation or revenge for some businessman or woman, who may have made a loss in a financial deal with the victim. In other words, the traffic warden is a ‘debt collector’. Paybacks of the kind are very common among religious sects and organisations, that believe in the rule of ‘treat others as they treat you’. Even if the owner of the car may not have been at culpable of or responsible for the specified wrongdoing of breaking or failing to observe a traffic law, agreement, or a code of conduct, his word against the traffic wardens would be questioned. As are the drive by shootings mainly paybacks. Any kind of aggression or aggressive marketing is related to organised crime and we have seen many such cases, during the system change, that has been initiated by financial interests with the support of the market oriented politicians. Confounded by the producer 's persuasive sales talk, to promote the sale of goods or the acceptance of an idea, as do the politicians of our time, how can one tell the difference between who is ‘cheap and cheerful’ and ‘cheap and nasty’? Unfortunately, the practice of making one's living in business, as opposed to in a profession or from unearned income, presumably makes any trader characterising himself or herself, as one confounded nuisance. Financial backers, providing monetary support for a venture, or intermediaries that hold funds from lenders, in order to make loans to borrowers are normally bad losers. They will find every way to reclaim a loss and as therefore can provide a range of financial services, including tax preparation, insurance coverage and investment portfolios to their clients. Unfortunately socialism, at every level, is paying for the profits of any kind of private capitalism. It explains financial parasitism.

By now everyone should be acquainted to the word, ‘inflation’. The action of inflating something or the condition of being inflated. You could hardly call this years inflation to be a general increase in prices and a fall in the purchasing value of money. ‘Economics’ has proved its point. Policy after policy, aimed at controlling inflation, has failed. The subject is apparently, not of a scientific calibre. It is full of hoax and humbug, very similar to the religions and the talks of their believers. The economists have not been totally honest with us. They share the same mentality as the preachers and the monarchy with a cabinet of ministers. They are not free of deceit; they are not truthful and they are not sincere. They work to support the greed of the establishment. Just as the lawyers and the system of justice, rule to protect the interests of the establishment. There are often practical, as well as moral reasons, for being honest. But do not expect any of that from the monarchy, the church or their cabinet  of ministers or from their associates in the private sector. They are all responsible for the assassination of a PM and at least fifteen more. 

They just do not know how to play the game, or follow a life-style, played or done according to the rules of common sense.

No one else should be punished or blamed, especially for something that is not one's fault.

To be continued ………………..

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Display the ULHC PHERO KSP 2024 Dictum.

Since the theory and development of computer systems was introduced, things were styled with the quality of being made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally. You do not have to close the door behind you, a robot will do that for you. Even humans adapt themselves to the system of robots and behave in a mechanical or unemotional manner. Public servants are not expected to be mindless robots, yet to serve all the members of a community or the society on equal terms, in a fair manner, they cannot resist to be a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. It is similar to the behaviour of a robot, or call it ‘forced labour’. You cannot get carried away in the traffic when there are robots all over to control your behaviour with a set of automatic traffic lights and cameras. Like a crawler, a program that unaffectedly, but systematically, browses the World Wide Web in order to create an index of data. During a conflict or a war, people taking sides, act and react differently depending on what part of the world and who is involved. Few highly inflammable regions of the world, have a history of religious intolerance. Allowing a religion to be part or portion of a society leads automatically to conflicts of interest that are not represented in the normal lifestyle of the indigenous peoples. The artificial intelligence, driving the robots of religions, are characterised as fanatics. But the robots themselves, do not really know what they are doing. They are only serving their Lord. They are programmed to act, react and respond specifically in a predefined manner. They are simply the followers of a sect. They are not humans, but just another machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically. They are conceived biologically and their hormones control their metabolism. They make persons or things, used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a survey or experiment of programmed behaviour. To perform their tasks, they will normally require a limited human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and to make simple translations between languages. The decisions they can make or should be able to make are predefined on a limited scale. They have no will of their own. Religions are artificial life, with the simulation of programs similar to computerised systems of human behaviour, population dynamics, or other characteristics of living organisms. Religions have no effect on life species, but humans. The victims of any religion are expected to serve as a satellite,  similar to a small country or state politically or economically dependent on another. Which is why religions have been useful for the colonialists. 

People affected by religion cannot call themselves democrats and neither can they call themselves republicans. A democrat is a true advocate or supporter of democracy. A republican is a true advocate of a republican government, in a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president, rather than a monarch. A republic is a group of people with a certain equality between its members as in the community of scholars and in the republic of learning. A republic is of the people and a republic is for the  people. A system of parliamentary democracy is not a direct democracy. Demands for a greater democracy call for the practice, or principles of social equality, with a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through their directly elected local representatives. It is a power rule of the people, for the people and of the people. In practice, an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by giving up some individual freedom for state protection, with a sense of responsibility or concern for the problems and injustices of society. Through an extension of the rights of citizens, we can achieve a growth of social democracy. Democracy with modern technology, can be achieved with a network of social interactions and personal relationships. As it is practical and economical, for a group of people living together, to share possessions and responsibilities until each of the members can become self-sufficient. And as such, needing no outside help in satisfying one's basic needs, especially with regard to the production of food. To be emotionally and intellectually independent. To have a mind of one’s own. Having all the resources to be able to survive and continue in a healthy state without outside assistance, a republic should be, if nothing else, self-supporting, self-subsistent and self-sustained. But it all begins with the individual in a community. A community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. It is so much easier to see things on a small scale, and then scale it up, to increase the components of a community in size, number or extent, especially by a constant proportion across the whole region, the state, the nation, or finally the continent. With any growth, the need to harmonise civilised communal practice with societal standards of having shared customs, rules, laws and organisations, the problems of ethnic diversity becomes a sensitive topic, as no one in polite society utters the word, unless no one is about. It is of vital importance, that an aggregate of people living together, in a more or less ordered community, should not be destabilised. It is the natural embryo of a republic. A community of scholars should be regarded as the zygote, a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes that will make a republic of learning. It is where democracy begins, with one more than one that makes two. It is the stage of a fertilised ovum. As the yolk of the egg, it is rich in protein and fat, and nourishes the developing embryo. Two become four and four become eight and eight become sixteen, to gradually develop the early basic diploid cells into differentiation of cells. This is not artificial intelligence, but if for the development of artificial intelligence the human beings could also find the beginnings of the True Path of Nature to relate it to developing artificial intelligence, in a defined context, the rest of all artificial intelligence would also make sense, in differentiated categories and branches of applied artificial intelligence, if correlated to the human DNA, which is the carrier of genetic information. With a self-replicating soft-ware, as the main constituent of chromosomes in the DNA, nearly all modes of artificial intelligence, would ultimately result in identical copies, as in the process of cloning. The question is, is that really what we want to  succeed in achieving or reach with artificial intelligence? And what would be the source of energy to get along with artificial intelligence? The human beings, as any other living organism, use power derived from utilisation of chemical resources such as carbohydrates. Artificial intelligence, so far, uses physical resources with property of matter and radiation which is manifest as a capacity to perform work such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules. It should be made clear that the physical and mental powers, of the human brain, also use the simple sugar, glucose, which is regarded as a component of many carbohydrates, regarded as natural fuels, as fossil fuels. Could artificial intelligence come to the same results as the human brain, if artificial intelligence had to use some other energy source than the natural fuels containing carbon, oxygen and hydrogen as in any of the large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose? 

For it has become evident that the inventive and energetic entrepreneurs in our time are really not productive in any way. Their way of making money is unethical, immoral and illegal in every aspect. Entrepreneurship, which is the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit, is becoming more like entrepreneurial terrorism with an excessive abuse of the legal system combined with an advancement of a technological systemisation of extortion practice. Done or acting according to a fixed plan or systematically in a methodical manner, is organised crime when someone is robbed, using methods of identity theft, in the fraudulent practice of using another person's name and personal information in order to obtain credit, loans, etc. When banks and state institutions implemented a system change order, the bank supervisors obviously encouraged trainees to think systemically, resulting in a state of the country or the whole region, in terms of production and consumption of goods and services and supply of money, becoming systemically corrupted and inflated. With an abuse of social media, a tendency for people of a particular religion, ethnic group, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, define identity politics which is moving away from common broad-based party politics, that serves and protects a whole republic, with an infrastructure supporting  the basic physical and organisational structures and facilities, like buildings, roads, power supplies, etc., that are needed for the operation of a society or enterprise and to maintain the social and economic structure of a country. This has often resulted in periods of uncertainty and confusion, in which a person's sense of identity becomes insecure, typically due to the change in their expected aims or role in society. As a consequence, examples of such identity crisis have risen to a far great many.  Debtors caught in a vicious trap, caused by a malicious entrepreneur, using transmissions of malicious software such as computer viruses, could not be freed until they paid their debt and were therefore not able to pay their debt, as long as they were in prison, or stuck in the shackles of the software programme that perverted the course of justice, as well. Appealing to any sense of justice, also driven by artificial intelligence and which cannot be reverted to normal, can only lead to tragic miscarriages of the justice. Which has also been the case, as more often than not, debtors are found guilty of malicious damage which is based on a hotbed of rumour spread by psychopaths and malicious chit-chat. As often as not, also the system of justice is caught in a vicious round of fake-news. 

Now, let us put an end to every sequence of reciprocal cause and effect in which two or more elements intensify and aggravate each other, leading inexorably to a worsening of the situation. We should look deeper into the systems of the financial houses and the methods applied by their hired or contracted debt-collectors. We have to step into the homes of every finance entrepreneur, lawyer, debt-collector, etc, to see how their income, based on artificial intelligence, has perverted the common sense of financial backing and financial counselling and the common sense of financial advisers and financial intermediaries has been distorted, misapplied, corrupted-twisted, corrupted-polluted, contaminated, provoked and conspired to debase and degenerate the course of justice. We know, that the monarchs and churches have for over centuries, depraved their cabinets of ministers and governors, in the colonies, to structure a ground for patriotism and nationalism, and the minds of businessmen and traders, in a plot to subvert the state order with an entrepreneurial culture, to support their own interests and benefits and privileges. For the sake of goodness, it is time to ‘destroy the defensive capability of a fortification’; That of a corrupt establishment. 

We need to wake up to reality and become alert to the injustices of society. Since, progressiveness in change, from the findings of an exploratory 2023 have nourished to an intellectually stimulating and a perceptive discussion, to learn more than what we already know. Because Phero is what happens, or develops gradually, or in stages to the better. 

Let us make 2024 a ddd year. For a Good democracy, for the practice of social and economic equality, for a Good demonstration, for a practical exhibition and explanation of how a community of scholars in a republic of learning works, or is performed, and for a Good domain, that preserves natures Grant(h) on the True Path of Nature. With all due respect, dismiss the monarchy, dismantle the church and discharge the cabinet of ministers and the parliament. 

In the existing circumstances, demobilise, disband  and dissolve their armed forces and their police.

To be continued ......................

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

In the beginnings of 2023, it is justified to ask oneself, ‘What are we really doing?’

It is really nothing special when a year ends and another year begins. It is a highlight when it is celebrated, but for each one of us there are many other days that could be worth highlighting. I suppose it becomes a habit to pose with delight and yet carry the remembrances of what is already swept and laid to the past, suppressed in remorse. 

When the poor run out of resources, they just have to beg. When the elite run out of resources they have to make all kinds of excuses to ask for more funds. They are not humble and they are not grateful, when they are given more resources. They ask for more. Extortion is the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats, in many ways. They can be diplomatic and understanding but, still it is a method of extortion. We are seeing many of such cases. If it is not the climate and cold winter threatening lives and harvests, it is the climate and carbon dioxide that is threatening the fossil fuels. If it is not the war, it is the massive movement of people or animals from a region to another. If it is not the Jews that are discriminated, it is the Islamists. If it is not founded on some harassment, involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including all those unwelcome and inappropriate promises of rewards in exchange for sexual favours, it is the unfairly preferential treatment, to one player or a team, than another during a tournament. Extortion is the practice of obtaining benefit from coercion. It is an art or political means of compelling a party to act in an involuntary way by the use of threats, including threats to use force against a party. It is a manner of political speech, combined with the forceful actions in order to violate the free will of an individual in order to induce a desired response. We have seen many such cases during the year that include extortion, blackmail, or even torture and sexual assault. A bully in the school dormitory may demand lunch money from a student where any refusal results in the student getting beaten, or even the church demanding more money from the taxpayers where a refusal results in more homeless or unsheltered people on the streets. They have a way to remain in demand. Or, the industries may ask for state subsidies, a sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low, but if denied, may threaten to move the company abroad or even assassinate the prime minister. Or when the church and the monarchy are stripped from all formal political powers, they choose to ally with the opposition and the forces of commerce, with conspiracy to involve foreign agents to destabilise the political  leadership of the state and again, assassinate the prime minister.

An elite without a people is no elite. Or an establishment of teachers without pupils is no school. Or an influential group within a specified profession or area of activity such as the doctors and nurses, without patients, will be nothing more than rumblings of discontent among the medical establishment, and yet no hospital. A group of politicians in a society exercising power and influence over matters of policy, opinion, or taste and seen as resisting change, is nothing but a most scandalised establishment of the day. A state of emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to be able to put through policies that it would normally not be permitted to do, for the safety and protection of the citizens, and therefore, even if it is not for the safety against a war or a pandemic or even a cold winter, with extremely high prices for fuel and energy to survive. But the generosity of giving funds in any state of an emergency is calculated, not necessarily to help the victims of pain, misery and distress, for their relief, but for the regime to prolong the life of the regime for an extended period of time, so that derogations can be used to override human rights of their citizens protected by the international human rights conventions. If it is possible for a country or a company to pay the key people in an organisation, to spread a positive image about the country or the company, anyone can pay someone or more, to spread a negative image about something else or somebody else. That is what the lobbyists deal with every day. 

The intentions of giving aid and support to Ukraine are not clear. And from where are all the funds coming, for so much support? According to sources, these funds are coming from illegal activity and Ukraine is now a perfect reason to have the funds laundered. I suppose Ukraine has the right location and conditions to be the washing town of a state running a global drug and human trafficking syndicate, in the European Union, under the rule of some drug baron and patron of a Serphim Order, as is Washington DC the washing town of the global cocaine trade for a drug baron located in the south American state if Colombia. It is not uncommon that trade with weapons goes hand in hand with trade involving illegal drugs. In other words, the situation is not absolutely certain and not quite understandable. Obviously, when some of the western states have payed a visit to witness the massive destruction, inhaled the feelings or the emotions expressed in an intense sentiment of horror and brutality, together with a number of comments published in the Daily paper, everyone becomes generous. It is not a war really, but a test of the real potentials of war organisations that were planned for a war, a long time ago. I suppose the soldiers would have been more involved and enthusiastic if the motives were authentic. Most of all, if the World Bank, situated in Washington DC, is ready to support and give aid to a side, in this case, Ukraine, before a peace settlement has even been reached for reconstruction, with the knowledge, that the country is in a state of war, the World Bank has obviously taken sides in a conflict that prevails in a state of mind, which is in a state of war. In the same way as all the other countries, which are providing support to Ukraine in order to influence the outcome of the war, in a desired direction. Hence, anyone who provides financial aid or military support to Ukraine cannot claim that they are not also a part of the battles, which are in fact fought on the fields with all the financial support that Ukraine receives. It is not very long ago, the civil war and unrest, in Northern Ireland, made a perfect ground for a washing town, for illegal drugs and weapon smuggling to and from Europe. It probably still is. No matter what, it is quite clear that a war expedition is as expensive as the action, or the process of demolishing a building, a town a state or of its being demolished. For it is considered, there are two kinds of metabolism, distinguished as the destructive metabolism, consisting of the breakdown of complex substances and the consequent production of energy and waste matter and its opposite in nature, which is constructive metabolism, the synthesis of the proteins, carbohydrates and fats which are needed to form tissue and store energy. As it is, the innate immune system has to provide a preconfigured response to broad groups of situations and stimuli. The adaptive immune system provides a tailored response to each stimulus by learning to recognise the molecules. It is not quite the same as the ‘Six days war’ or the Arab-Israeli war in 1967, despite the fact that the Russians are already setting up settlements in the occupied regions on the east side. It is probably far-fetched to imagine that it is just a play about the American civil war in an attempt to abolish the slave trade and grant, the five million black slaves, their human rights. Still it can be considered to be a civil war because, according to reliable historical sources, Ukraine has not been an independent country. And it could ultimately be a state reprise of a past polemic, between the Russians and the Swedes, about the largest battle and most decisive of the great northern wars, the battle of Poltava. With the Swedes making an attempt to attack on the heartland of Russia, with an assault on Moscow, that failed and the Swedes being defeated, had to flee the battlefield and retreat to escape the Russians and their territorial grounds, to a safe sanctuary within the Ottoman Empire. As now, they seek admission into a western alliance, NATO, for their safety, with the support of Turkey and thereby, history is repeating itself.

Despite the circumstances of a war or a special operation, which does seem similar to the secret British special operations executive, set up during the second world war, to carry out clandestine operations, and coordinate with resistance movements in Europe and later East Asia, the people residing in Ukraine are now forced to leave in order to escape the war, persecution, or the special operation and a natural disaster that is expected during the frost of the winter. The right to seek asylum belongs to all refugees. It concerns people who are on the move for reasons specified in UNHCR regulations and due to various disasters and political reasons, when people have to flee their own country. As it is, a receiving country cannot discriminate against refugees and distinguish between those refugees who come from one place or another to seek protection. Now that a larger number of refugees are coming from Ukraine, you cannot introduce an asylum freeze for people, other than Ukrainians.

The West’s support for Ukraine is not motivated and justifiable. It is to a high degree, the west leader’s reprising the populist rhetoric that they used in the fight to provoke a war initially. It is not the politicians of the west or the EU, spending large sums to keep a war going. They are taking funds from their taxpayers’ contributions. That Sweden also supports the war in Ukraine is a cost Swedish taxpayers must recover. The politicians will still have received their fair share without having to suffer the consequences of being paid from tax funds. Burdening taxpayers in this way, because it has become prestigious in a fight against Russia that will affect the West many years after the special operation is completed. Nevertheless, this debt to posterity and especially today's youth, will be a far greater burden than the climate. Therefore, it could be appropriate for the young people to go out and demonstrate to demand that they do not wish to pay these costs in the future as well. Or, even sue the state for misusing and abusing their natural resources and funds on nonsensical expenditure. 

It seems the world is breeding cowards that cannot stand up for their rights and demand justice against atrocities. Civil liberties are a person’s rights to be subject only to laws established for the good of the community. It is so pathetic when the representatives of the establishment take advantage of civil liberties in the state of being subject only to laws established for the good of the community, especially with regard to freedom of action and speech, just to give an impression of innocence, when they are responsible for the crimes committed at large in the communities, to safeguard their own interests and values. Making the church and the  monarchy, nothing but hypocrites. They are the growing threat to our civil liberties. They are responsible for the infringement of a person's rights, especially a tort - the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme. All the political groups that have taken office in the cabinet are consequently cowards and traitors for not supporting civil rights, the right of every citizen to political and social freedom and equality, but instead have supported civil wrong, the right to assassinate a Prime Minister and at least fifteen others to support a change of system, in favour of a monarchy and a church and their conservative values. 

In the beginnings of 2023, it is justified to ask oneself, ‘What are we really doing?’

To be continued ………………..

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Because I had told, if I find home, I will send an aeroplane.

 I suppose a home is the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. But when there is unrest, a catastrophe, like the spring floods, many people are forced to flee their homes’. ‘Many have to leave their homes to find a source of income’. ‘Many leave home when they are fifteen to go to college’. ‘In a college that could be situated in another part of the country or another part of the world’. ‘It is a change from the family or a social unit that occupied the permanent residence, from birth to adolescence and having lived in understanding’. ‘Everybody says, I come from a good home’. ‘The house in the district and country where I was born and where my parents had settled on a long-term basis is our home’. ‘It is place where the crops grow and flourish and most of us from the region originate from the state’. ‘My grandparents, though do not originate from our district, they are from another part of the world’. ‘As far as I can remember, they have always been living in an institution for old people which need professional care or supervision. It was an old peoples home’. ‘In this college, we are five fences from home.The finishing point is the graduation’. ‘It will be some journey. For that reason, a First Camp is the entry to a potential Home, for a scholar, to recognise one’s essential being that distinguishes him or her from the other. And to find the words in a language, as an aspect of one’s own sense of the self. In order to discover one’s own interests and pleasures. To be in one’s own particular nature and mind. Especially, to regain one’s balance, in the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect. Simply to stand on one’s dignity’. ‘Making a home is a challenge of a lifetime’. ‘I suppose, all children are special to those who parent them and yet, we seem to be losing our intuitive ability to parent’. ‘It is very true, that the social structures of a state and society are incredibly complex and even when given the opportunity to make a home, it is not without a problem’. ‘We have to know of our civil rights’. ‘Perhaps we should organise a level of playground for the adolescents to gain linked lives in states so that the development of the adolescents is shaped by the interconnected network of a few relationships of which the adolescent is a part and the principle of the human agency’. ‘That would assert that the adolescent life course on the True Path of Nature, in natures Grant(h), is a construction established via the choices and actions of an individual within the context of her/his historical period and social network’. ‘Obviously it is a purpose to focus attention on a learning style rather than a teaching style which homes in on what is of central importance, for each scholar’. 

‘Given that Haqqi is not hooking, but discovering what is right and from there, go on to find out what is real and true, is about the principle of historical time and space, explaining an individual’s development, shaped with exercise or practice, by the period and location, in which the child is growing up’. ‘For the principle of all importance of timing in one's life, refers to the different impact that life events have on one’s development, based on when in one's life they occur’. ‘And when we have established the real and true of Haqqi, we can get on with Phero, the next phase. Again, Phero should also comply with what is right, real and true in a similar way, before proceeding to establish the right, real and true of the Party. Haqqi is waqqi Haqqi when the truth is established. When the whole truth is established Phero is waqqi Phero and finally, Party is waqqi Party, when it is established in a right, real and true manner, that it is nothing, but the truth’. ‘Accordingly, we wander along the True Path of Nature, in natures Grant(h), to discover, to nurture with care, to guard and develop a nest and finally to fertilise our innocence, in a home’. ‘The home is the place of all innocence’. ‘And f you wish, you could even provide an animal with a home as a pet’. ‘I am sure this journey will be a home away from home’. ‘It will definitely make me realise the full significance of my home’. ‘ I already feel this is a home from home, a place where one is as happy, relaxed, or comfortable as in one's own home’. ‘I am home free’. ‘I suppose we should explore, experience and establish the right, real and true of a home’. ‘I should make it my EEE 2023 Bug’. ‘ Or even my FFF 2023 Bug to find, form and found the ground of my home’. ‘Because, back home, I had told, if I find home, I will send an aeroplane’.

I can see my remarks have hit home. They have the intended effect. They make the intended impression. They strike home. They hit the mark. They are  registered. They are understood and comprehended. Perhaps a special operation brought something home to someone. About the gravity of the situation that the world we are living in, is really not a fair deal. It  makes one realise. It makes one understand. It makes one aware of or conscious of something. In every way, it should make something clear to someone’. ‘It definitely draws attention to focus on it’. ‘As many have underlined and emphasised about the things human beings do’.

To be continued …………

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

I suppose, that is what climate is all about.

Climate, as the realistic framework for international relations, rests on the basic assumption that the international state system is an anarchy, without any overarching power that limits the behaviour of sovereign states. 

Climate cannot be controlled with a liberal framework and nor with a constructivist framework. 

Climate is not any international system and nor is it a global trading system to ensure the own survival. 

Climate cannot be regulated by institutionally imposed limitations by a power or the interdependence of international organisations because of economic and diplomatic ties, which the liberal theory assumes, states are.

Climate did not emerge in the aftermath of the dark ages and nor after the second World War. 

Climate is what it is on a global scale. 

Climate cannot be more evil in the East than in the West unless we should follow the ideas, norms and identities, constructed by the western alliances and forge them into the minds of the infidels. 

Climate is not a discourse of European integration with high political circles associated with ideas of Europe as a historical and cultural market and therefore sought to build institutions to integrate European nations into a single political body. 

Climate has though, made the process of evolution possible, on the True Path of Nature in natures Grant(h), by which different kinds of living organisms have developed from earlier forms, during the history of the earth. 

Climate is the reason why humans have been able to evolve from the most basic and fundamental life processes.

Climate does not abide to the human laws, because climate is not human. 

Climate is not constructed to follow the religious laws.

Climate can be explained by the physical laws of nature. 

There is little more involved and worth mentioning. To know what one is about, be sensible, self-possessed and aware of how to deal with difficult situations.

To be continued…….

För the sake of democracy,

Have a mind of your own.

No! No! No!

Yes! Yes1

Just Play the Game

Kuldip Singh


Monday, January 3, 2022

Entrust the VVV ULHC PHERO KSP 2022 Bug for vindication.

The state of being known or of interest to people in general, especially through the media, are the pressures of being constantly in the public eye. 
The primordial foundation of this nation, with the temple grounds of the indigenous peoples, has been suppressed with a malignant growth of the church and a monarchy and after a thousand years, they have significantly developed into the secondary stages of a metastasis of a cancer eradicating the indigenous people. To do their work, the monarchy and the church has to rely on a migration of people that have to be uprooted in other parts of the world, to become the next generations of a pseudo extinction process, for the next thousand years of war according to the christian church. The primary stages of a malignant growth and obviously the money launderers are the secondary stage of the metastasis to benefit the bankers. Hinduism is as such a way of life established in the cast system, with more than two stages of developed malignant growth. In other words, it becomes inherent from a generation to another. It is not without reason, a malignant growth of cell tissues is mentioned with a prefix meta before stasis, as stasis is a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium, in what is considered and referred, to be normal. The purpose of metalanguages is to create a meta stage for followers. For my Presidential campaign though, I do not want followers. Because everyone should have a mind of one’s own to develop one’s learnings individually, with conversation founded on spontaneity and creativity for the sake of originality in a process defined as democracy. The community of scientists, in a republic of learning, takes you there with the path entrusted by the ULHC PHERO KSP formula, opposed to religion, which is but a meta-state of universal deception, illusion and fraud.

A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimised and targeted political messages on people. A decision as to voice, vote and vest in, should not be compromised by money. Since internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, power brings significant risks to politics, where it can be used to influence, which will affect the lives of millions. 

The habit and principle of being independent and self-reliant, in social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control, benefits anyone who is self-centred in ones feelings and conduct. Every citizen should have the right to voice, vote and vest in a democracy and stand as a candidate in elections under the same conditions as any other citizen of a State. The one who has the right to vote, voice for and vest in a democracy, is therefore eligible to candidate.

In the circumstances, the intention of the minds temple, to house all the male on one half and all the female on the other, is to establish a fairness of the primitive mind in thought in the order to put the naked truth to bed and confide in common sense.  

Thereof, on the True Path of all Nature, a temple of natures Grant(h), will provide food and water, shelter and education to all the living, despite race, nationality, rank, religion, creed, etc, etc, day and night. By assuring all the fairness of a primeval brain, it seems that the primitive mind has no reason to trick or dupe an organism, into a false story.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

A little ambiguity here and there, really does not hurt. Just so you know, how public this is.

   However, it is difficult to say how much the influencers can add serious credibility to a brand of viruses. An influencer is a person or a thing that influences others. In our time, a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media. An artist may be a champion of the arts, but not necessarily also a huge influencer of taste.If the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone else or something else, or the effect itself, is predictable, it is measurable. The politicians have the power to shape policy or ensure favourable treatment from someone, especially through status, contacts, or wealth.                    

And then there are the organisations that form to lobby for certain concerns to influence the politicians. If a group of people are not seeking to influence legislators on a particular issue, before the law is passed, they could be seeking to influence the court and magistrates or the police investigation, to rule in favour of a side in a conflict of interest. Lobbying could be legally bribing or influence peddling. The needs for lobbying get stronger when promoting risky ideas. In either way it is the practice of using one’s influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Activists, involved in activism have to make an effort to promote, impede, direct or intervene in social, political economic or environmental issues with the desire to make changes in society towards a perceived good. ‘Perceived good’ by an activist is a matter of taste. They are simply, also influencers and lobbyists, with the capacity of being militant to protest with the support of many. In their own way, they are all of a kind with the sole purpose of entering a system to infiltrate. In the medical vocabulary, ‘infiltration’ is the diffusion or an accumulation in a tissue or cells, of foreign substances, in amounts excess of the normal. The material collected in those tissues or cells is called an ‘infiltrate’. As part of a disease process, infiltration is sometimes used to define the invasion of cancer cells into the underlying matrix or the blood vessels.

An example of ‘entry-ism’, is the infiltration of a self-proclaimed human rights activist, into an institution committed to neoliberalism, a market fundamentalism that has been credited with eroding health systems in dozens of low and middle-income countries.
As examples of gender and HBTQ issues: ‘alternative, yet complementary, strategies of ‘entry-ism', with attempts to enter and transform these institutions’, to bring focus on gender inequalities from within as christian missionaries will do among a hedonistic people. Entry-ism or infiltration is a political strategy in which an organisation or the state encourages its members, or supporters, to join another organisation, usually larger, in an attempt to expand influence and expand their ideas and their program. If the organisation being ‘entered’ is hostile to entry-ism, the entry-ists may engage in a degree of subterfuge and subversion to hide the fact that they are an organisation, in their own right. Such political groups that work within a larger organisation but also maintain a ‘public face’ often reject the term ‘entry-ism’ but are sometimes still considered to be entry-ists by the larger organisation. In these types of entry-ism, activists engage in a long-term perspective in which they work within an organisation for decades in the hope of gaining influence and a degree of power and perhaps even control of the larger organisation. As in ‘deep entry-ism’ referring to the long duration of infiltration. In entry-ism, of a special type, the entry-ists will obviously, not openly argue for setting up an independent party.  In a country with a monarchy and a state church it is not easy to enter the representative democratic system, without being approved of the establishment. The minorities are encouraged and advised to join the mass parties in some countries.
To be a part of a system in a representative democracy, entry-ism advocates, that the ‘outsiders’ should dissolve their party and join a section of a church or a workers union and raise their youth movement to dissolve in arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively as a culture. The tactic has been adopted by the church to infiltrate sports organisations to achieve infiltration. And despite some opposition, they have successfully raised the membership of their members in parallel activist groups here and there even for the climate issues. Proponents of such tactic have also advocated that the christian youth should enter the social democratic parties to connect with revolutionary socialist currents within them and then to steer those currents away from socialism and communism towards market economy for a system change. With a foundation in the protestant lead monarchy and the Order of Seraphim, entry-ism into the nations army and defence and police forces becomes selective. However, christian and monarchial entry-ism lasts briefly because the intention is basically to connect and intrude into a foreign indigenous people, in order to establish a class of the bourgeoisie to run the political system. A ‘split perspective’, that is divide and rule, is sometimes employed in which a smaller sectarian group of a Christian free church movement intends to remain in a block or established party for a short period of time, with the intention of splitting the organisation and leaving with more members than it began with and even take over the larger party or the block. The entry-ist tactic can work successfully, in its own terms, over a long period, with a militant tendency to take control and power. Feminism is defined as ‘the doctrine advocating social, political and other rights of women equal to those of men. For them the strategy of splitting groups with conservative patriarchal traditions has been attained with a front line force of a militant group Eight and MeToo movement or with a sectarian group of corporate secretaries that will work only nine to five. Feminists range across a variety of backgrounds, genders, races, ethnic and religions and use a wide variety of media to spread their messages. This media includes, but is not limited to newspaper, literature, radio broadcasts, television, social media, film, and video games. Without media to distribute their ideas, feminism movements would not have been as impactful and could have succumbed to potential setbacks.
With this brief introduction about sapient influencers, activists, entry-ists, infiltrators and infiltration strategies, it is not difficult to establish the effects of a viral influenza, of the magnitude of a pandemic, or with the theme of  star wars to start a system change on a global scale. The important thing is not to give up, but to go on mutating until the host body fails to resist the pressure, the temptation, or some other negative force. Despite rules and restrictions, to administrate quarantines, that are applied in different ways to prevent the spread of an infectious disease. For reasons, some countries prefer to isolate themselves completely from the rest of the world.  Because the best way to isolate sick fish in an ocean is to set up a hospital tank, on a surface of dry land. Or the best way to isolate the healthy fish is to set up a healthy tank, on dry land, when a pandemic stretches over all the oceans, rivers and lakes, as well as the the land between the gaps and the overlying atmosphere, enveloping the whole planet.


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I know, no matter how I express myself or in any other way; whatever I do, say or write can or will be used against me, unless You would want to be with Me.