"Naturen är vår källa."

"Om det är förnuftet som formar människan, så är det känslan som leder henne."
"Människan är en fördärvad vilde."
"En konstnär är ett geni som har rätt att skapa fritt."
"Det strider uppenbarligen mot naturens lag att en handfull människor drunknar i sitt överflöd
medan den uthungrade massan saknar det nödvändigaste."

The ecological credit crunch is a global challenge. The Living Planet Report 2008 tells us that more than three quarters of the world’s people live in nations that are ecological debtors – their national consumption has outstripped their country’s biocapacity. Thus, most of us are propping up our current lifestyles, and our economic growth, by drawing (and increasingly overdrawing) upon the ecological capital of other parts of the world.

— WWF Living Planet Report

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Sikhsth Universe City is Natures Garden.

The Sikhsth Functionalism explains the proper work or purpose of Life that by certain actions and reactions it performs or executes to use and enjoy the supply and resources of the earth for a period of time.

There is a life one is born with and one that allows it to make choices.

It is the basis for the well-being of all existing life, without regard to government revenues, corporate profits, religious belief and their scriptures, etc etc, or a hereafter.

Despite the fact that knowledge is natures Grant to each individual, the only asset that can be put down to a human being or any other living organism is the time it has spent to survive the challenges of nature as all the rest is borrowed, a lifetimes loan from the earth and its atmosphere to age.


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I know, no matter how I express myself or in any other way; whatever I do, say or write can or will be used against me, unless You would want to be with Me.