"Naturen är vår källa."

"Om det är förnuftet som formar människan, så är det känslan som leder henne."
"Människan är en fördärvad vilde."
"En konstnär är ett geni som har rätt att skapa fritt."
"Det strider uppenbarligen mot naturens lag att en handfull människor drunknar i sitt överflöd
medan den uthungrade massan saknar det nödvändigaste."

The ecological credit crunch is a global challenge. The Living Planet Report 2008 tells us that more than three quarters of the world’s people live in nations that are ecological debtors – their national consumption has outstripped their country’s biocapacity. Thus, most of us are propping up our current lifestyles, and our economic growth, by drawing (and increasingly overdrawing) upon the ecological capital of other parts of the world.

— WWF Living Planet Report

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Preservation of All Existing Conditions pertaining to Measures and Finances of Matters and Affairs.

Elements make matters and as komponents of all things, at "meetings and assemblies", to bring focus and to "act in deeds, at events, in material objects, bodies, beings", at the "appointed time" and play to interplay with all that comes around and about. So am I in my ego but matter participating in a flow, in that movement of particles within and all about. In a time and an interplay to take a course or a path to make a career. For justice and including that of the muses for a healthy recovery to party and be in my habitat. For all have in "public assemblies for judgment and business, as well as lawsuits," in "affairs, matters, things," been in the mainstream and nourished and nurtured in the rhythm of the current and with the latest facts put right to the present time. So did the principal current of the five rivers be those that gave the suck to the lands in the "prevailing direction in opinion, popular taste, etc.", in a movement of time. Despite what people have thought about the "streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of mankind" and from influence "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny", the "flow of water" has overall had a unique and stronger effect on the "exercising of personal power by human beings"; as to uphold the forces of democracy over any "exertion of unseen influence by persons, groups or their ghosts". Flowing freely as water, air or speech and body movement, fluent is that flow that feels no resitance. When matter is a constituent in the current to make possible an exchange of things and nourishment, it is given the form and value of a currency to make a value for the exchange of matter and its things fluent. That flow of money for justice, equality and good health is vital for the maintainance of every influence, confluence, affluence and effluence, wherever and whenever necessary to uphold an acceptable quality of life for every individual in compliance to the standards of living for a community. If the "science of causes or causation ", has yet not made possible to understand how "to cure, refresh and restore" as is nature meant to be in that intent to treat, the problem is of course, not only an empirical problem; as it is also to be solved through an insight into the workings of our language, and that in such a way that the workings are recognized, despite an urge to misunderstand them. The problem is thus solved, not through the contribution of new knowledge, rather through the arrangement of things long familiar. Philosophy, "of unknown origin", of "learnings and making wisdom", is also a struggle against the bewitchment of our understanding, polluted by methods of improper use of language resources leading to misconception and deception of natures reality .
Key words:
thing, focus, flow, play, ego, justice, recovery, nutrition, muses, party, habitat, etiology, recreation, philosophy.


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I know, no matter how I express myself or in any other way; whatever I do, say or write can or will be used against me, unless You would want to be with Me.