"Naturen är vår källa."

"Om det är förnuftet som formar människan, så är det känslan som leder henne."
"Människan är en fördärvad vilde."
"En konstnär är ett geni som har rätt att skapa fritt."
"Det strider uppenbarligen mot naturens lag att en handfull människor drunknar i sitt överflöd
medan den uthungrade massan saknar det nödvändigaste."

The ecological credit crunch is a global challenge. The Living Planet Report 2008 tells us that more than three quarters of the world’s people live in nations that are ecological debtors – their national consumption has outstripped their country’s biocapacity. Thus, most of us are propping up our current lifestyles, and our economic growth, by drawing (and increasingly overdrawing) upon the ecological capital of other parts of the world.

— WWF Living Planet Report

Monday, August 2, 2010

We share 98% of our DNA with a chimpanzee, 60% with a banana and 50% with a tomato.

Our natural environment is the result of a long term evolutionary process and mankind is a part of it. Nature contributes in every possibe way to the making of life, whether it be of a plant, an animal or a human being. The conditions that sorround each individual, day and night, are the tests and challenges of life. All kinds of life need air, water, minerals, light and warmth but without homeostasis all contributions of nature remain useless to life. Homeostasis is the property of a system, either open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition.
However, believers work by using familiar words and images in irrational ways. Myths can be hinted at and utilised, in order to present them in a different way and to lay stress on an implicit conclusion rather than just plainly stating it. Making verse for believers an appropriate medium to emphasize a message.
"The deceived and the deceiver are His" is verse which is also presented in translations. As such the deceiver is Satan, and God sympathizing with the deceived. However, not in reality. Dualistic expectations as such are trumped up, only to be shattered with a strophe, as "both deceived and deceiver is God".
Because there is no dualistic cosmos out there. In other words both the deciever and the deceived are the people because people write verse for a reason and they invent symbols like God and Satan for a purpose to decieve. People deceive the people deceived. The question arises thereof, "What kind of people have a genuine desire to decieve other people?"
Thus, the process of life has brought us to what we are today, to which all forces of nature have contributed to our being. The outcome is not the defeat of one which is evil and the triumph of the other which is good. It is the joint effort of all. Even what seems destructive, has been constructive as much as what to a majority seemed constructive has proved to be destructive.
Ultimately, the living organism is the result of a self-regulating process by which a biological or mechanical system maintains stability while adjusting to changing conditions. Systems in dynamic equilibrium reach a balance in which internal change unceasingly compensates for external change in a feedback control process to keep conditions relatively stable and uniform.
That is natures perfection.

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I know, no matter how I express myself or in any other way; whatever I do, say or write can or will be used against me, unless You would want to be with Me.